The Belarusian Father Frost Zyuzya welcomes guests in his residence in Berestovitsa

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For the second time the Belarusian Father Frost Zyuzya welcomes guests in his residence in Berestovitsa.

On the the New Year’s Eve last year on the territory of children’s health camp «Berestovicki» was opened the residence of the Belarusian Father Frost — Zyuzya. Together with Father Frost the mythical characters live in the residence. Acquaintance with these ancient creatures occurs immediately as soon as the gates of the residence open.

Most popular is the visiting of the residence with local schoolchildren. The young visitors become active participants in an exciting adventure. The animation program «New Year with mythical creatures» was developed by employees of the District Center for Culture and Folk Art in Berestovitsa.

Large colorful banners depicting Belarusian mythical characters from folklore are set along the path leading to the estate of Berest-Zyuzya and Mrs. Metelitsa. The Brownie and Mrs. Metelitsa tell visitors stories and legends about the life of Belarusian fairy-tale characters.

Fascinating adventures await the guests at the thematic areas of the residence.

Finally, after all the tests you get into the residence of Zyuzya. Belarusian Grandfather Frost greets guests sitting in a large armchair. He sincerely welcomes his guests. You can whisper your wishes in his ear, or you can write them on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope in a large mailbox.

In the residence you can also visit the exhibition-fair of New Year’s souvenirs and handicrafts of the House of Crafts in Berestovitsa and see the exhibits of regional exhibition-contest of decorative and applied art “Samarobny Tsud”. In “Etnoshop” you can buy a unique New Year’s handmade product or win it in a win-win lottery. Here you can also take part in a master class on making a New Year’s souvenir.

Posted by Sergey Khilyuta according to the text of Svetlana Goncharova. Pictures: Svetlana Goncharova

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